WC3Db - Warcraft III Database

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Warcraft III Clans and National Teams

National Teams
Austria (AUT)
Belgium (BEL)
Bosnia (BOS)
Brazil (BRA)
Bulgaria (BUL)
Canada (CAN)
Czech Republic (CZ)
Denmark (DK)
France (FR)
Germany (GER: TEAM-GER, GerTeam B, GIT = German Innovation Team)
Greece (GR)
Great Britain (GB)
Israel (ISR)
Italia (IT)
Croatia (KRO)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Netherlands (NL)
Norway (NOR)
Poland (PL)
Romania (ROM)
Russia (RUS)
Switzerland (CH)
Sweden (SWE)
Spain (ESP)
Turkey (TUR)
Ukraine (UKR)

4K.Intel (UK: 4Kings Intel, Four Kings Intel, 4K.Korea Squad)
SK (INT, SK06: Schroet Kommando, SK.International, SK.Germany, SK.Korea, SK.Gaming 06, Team Q)
mouz (GER: Mousesports.BenQ.GeiL)
mTw (GER: mortal Teamwork,
mTw.expekt, mTw.ATI, mTw.Alternate)
AoD (AUT: Advanched online Destination, AoD Gaming, AoD.FH-SalzburgerLAND)
mYm (DK, T.MH: Meet Your Makers, mYm Hanbit.Raptor-Gaming, MYM Korea Division, see also Hanbitstars)
NiP (SWE, NiP3: NiP Gaming, Ninjas in Pyjamas)
fnatic (INT: fanatic, FNATIC.WC2006)
srs (NL: SeRiouS Gaming)
verGe (US: verGe Gaming, Check6)
u5 (US: United 5, United five)
LFan (GER: LanFan)
sCa (GER: starComa.Tagan)
es4x (RUS: e-sports4extreme)
3wD (INT: Team 3wD, 3nemy will Die. see also IeS)
WE.IGE (CHI: World Elite.IGE)
play.it (INT: A.S Teamplay.it -> 12-05-06)
idle (SWE: )
DkH (GER: DkH.Keyweb, Deutschlands kranke Horde, DkH.Mystify)
ID (GER: ID Gaming)
qp (GER: Qpool)
rS (US: revolution Sports Gaming)
n! (GER, nfac: n!faculty e.V.)
pod (GER: pod virtual Gaming)
iP (GER: inPanic)
GaB (GER: Geh aB Clan e. V. - Team Blue, see also WoS)
DU: (noClan.Dubrovnik)
sfto (GER: Stofftiere Online e.V.)
arcor (GER: arcor.wc3)
G] (GRE: Guardians)
TmG (US: Trademark Gamers)
ecl (RUS: eclipseteam)
JP (BUL: Team Just Players)
SomE (CAN: Team SomE)
G2H (BUL: Go To Hell)
fx (PL: Frag eXecutors.w3)
AU (AUS: Australia United)
SGC (???: Storm Games Clan)
4gl (NL: 4Glory)
aLw (RUS: All Loves War Magic)
it (NOR: Incredible Teamaction)
pB (SWE: Plan B Schweden -> id.wc3: Idenity Gaming))
eGe (CAN: electronic Gaming evolution)
idle (SWE: idle.swe)
CNN (PL: Team Pentragram)
tZ (US: Team zer0)
xE (CAN: xero Error)
K2 (GER: Project K2, now QPool)
uTop (GER: uTopianer)
gg (FR: GoodGame, Jouez Serjeux, see also sTar)
pG (GER: pro-Gaming, TCL team.clanless -> 64AMD)
aT (FR: armaTeam)
KeKo (DK: KeKo, e2s)
ocr* (GER: Ocrana.D-Link, Ocrana.ATI, see also pG)
t9 (SWE: Team 9, see also 64AMD)
DSky (FIN: Destination Skyline)
64AMD (GER: T64, 64AMD.int, 64AMD.ger, 64AMD WC3.Oversea -> team9, see also proGaming)
ToT (GER: Templers of Twilight)
a-L (GER: a-L.MSI, advanched Losers. AOL Advanched Online Losers)
OS-eSp (GER: Osnabrück e-Sports -> gO: Guides of Owners. see also a-Losers, see also Alien Invasion)
n.SK) (AUT: natural born SKillers)
aNc (FIN: The Ancients)
Ai (GER: Alien Invasion, see also OS.eSp)
PW (GER: Project Warcraft, ProWar)
eQ (GER: e.Quality)
tO (GER: torrid orbs -> veiL: just veil)
p (GER: plague, [p][lague], clan plg)
gmpo (GER: Gamepoint Clan -> 64AMD)
rL (GER: rising Legend -> 9friends)
WoS (GER: Wizard of Storm -> aE: addictiv eSports)
WoS (GER: ??? -> GaB)
soh (GER: sohei)
eFs (GER: electronic fun sports -> GNE: Games Nation Europe)
eXe.CI (GER: eXecute eSport)
de (GER: death embrace.nVidia, de.nVidia, see also Games Nation)
1337] (FIN: leet, see also DSky)
IN (UK: theinclan)
wZ (EU: Wizards)
xSp (GER: xSporting, see also HFD)
aev (CH: aevum, see also ocrana)
GN (GER: Gamers Nation nVidia. see also xSp)
AoT (GER: Allianz of Tarsonis)
gZ.wc3 (GER: GamersZone -> Crazy Cavs)
paN (GER: pandoraner)
e2s (GER: SSV Lenitz e. V - e2sports)
DA] (GER: Dark Angels)
KdG (GER: Knights of the dark Galaxie)
ROM (GER: Imperium Romanum, see also aVe)
eSx (GER: eSports xtreme, see also aVe)
aVe (GER: aVe pexonia, clan aVe)
HFD (GER: High FiDelity)
XX5 (GER: Xx5.acsp -> clanserver Gaming)
kos (GER: kosmos, see also r-a-t-s)
RvL (US: Clan RivaL)
iF (GER: inner Fire, see also ocrana)
gX (GER: generation X, gX station, gX.SWE)
sTar) (FR: clan sTar -> GoodGame)
eRa (GER: eRadication)
veiL (GER: clan veiL -> eRadication)
zA (US: Upergamerz)
NAoC (US: New Age of Warcraft, see also Upergamerz)
at (FR: atlantteam)
tuRs (GER: The Untouchable Rouge Spears, -> lust-eGaming. see also 24.hR, project K2)
aAa (FR: against All authority)
aF (US: au Fait)
aDK (NOR: clan aDK -> Viruz)
rWD (GER: relaxed Wardogs e. V.)
IeS (SWE. Infinity eSports, IeS.ios -> 3wD)
SoL (IT)
2r (GER: team.2r, team²reGain)
MM (GER: The MasterMinds -> angelDust)
aD (GER: angelDust, see also MasterMinds)
24hR (US: 24 hours -> tuRs)
9f (GER: 9 friends, see also rising Legends)
jG (GER: just Gamers)
cG (GER: clanserver Gaming, see also Xx5, sharKz)
sKz (GER: sharKz -> clanserver Gaming)
Oger (GER: Orcish Empire)
nL (GER: nLoud)
rats (GER: clan r-a-t-s -> kosmos)
FW (GER: planet FW -> FragTheNet)
FtN (GER: FragTheNet, see also FW)
riSK (GER: ri$k)
gacom (GER: *ga.com -> Southpoint)
lust (GER: lust-eGaming, see also tuRs)
TGi (RUS: The God inbodyment -> diGnified)
diG (GER: diGnified, see also The God inbodyment)
SP (SWE: team Southpoint, see also *ga.com)
GW3 (GER: myLemon - German War Elite -> aggress!ve-eSports)
aG (GER: aggressive-eSports, aggres!ve-eSports, see also myLemon)
2G (GER: 2Great)
Bret_3D (RUS: Bret Team of 3D Clan)
daG (PL: digital assassination Group)
Drake (ICE: Drake Clan)
GGL (US: Good Game League)
TeG (ROM: The elder Gods)
Nw (IT: Nightwolves)
CoW (GER: Creeps of Warcraft)
eSu (EU: eSports United)
K2 (GER: project K2, see also tuRs)
jNg (BRA: The juNgLe Team)
ownage (SWE: team ownage)
24x7 (GRE: 24-Seven)
Yper (GRE: Yperano.INTEL)
eT (EST: Clan elite Team)
DDD (RUS: Danger Death Destruction)
RiF (RUS: Remained in Force)
gae (EU: team gaeJaJi.INTEL, gae.Intel)
G (GRE: Guardians)
Hanbit (KOR: Hanbitstars -> Meet Your Makers)
iG (GER: Individual Gaming)

Allstar Teams
uF (Undead Freaks)
Team Europe (see also 4K)
Team Asia
Team China
Team Korea


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